Adding Slick to Your Map

Adding Slick to Your Map

Slick is a defrag mechanic that gives frictionless ground movement. Slick is distinct from the slide mechanic that func_slide provides. There are three ways to add slick to a map: the func_slick brush entity, the %compileSlick material paramater, and the SetSlick player input.

func_slick #

The func_slick entity is a brush entity that will give the slick effect to the player when they stand on it. This entity has no special properties.

{:.notice–info} This entity is always forced to use BSP collision, overriding any mapper-set value.

%compileSlick Material Property #

Any material with the %compileSlick parameter set to 1 will act as a slick surface when compiled onto world geometry or func_detail.

{:.notice–info} A slick material is only guaranteed to work on world geometry or func_detail, it is not known to work on other brush entities, displacements, or props.

Here is an example VMT for a slick material:

    $basetexture test_materials\slick_ice
    %compileSlick 1

SetSlick Player Input #

The SetSlick input on the player entity takes a number of seconds to give the player slick. If the number is 0, slick is removed, and if the number is negative, the player has indefinite slick. To make a slick version of a normal map, you can add a logic_auto entity that will give the player indefinite slick on spawn.

tag-outline Tags: defrag slick
folder-open-outline Categories: guide