Toggles the crosshair transparency.
Toggles the crosshair transparency.
Set the crosshair’s color. Accepts color value in format RGBA. If RGB is supplied, alpha is set to 255.
Toggles crosshair dot.
Toggles dynamic crosshair behavior with weapon firing.
Toggles dynamic crosshair behavior with player movement.
Set the name of the custom VTF texture defined in momentum/scripts/hud_textures.txt to be used as a crosshair. Takes effect when cl_crosshair_style is 1.
Sets the minimum distance between two crosshair lines. Takes effect when cl_crosshair_style is 1 or 2.
Toggles using defined crosshair distances per weapon.
Toggles using a black outline around the crosshair. Takes effect when cl_crosshair_style is 0 or 1.
Sets the thickness of the crosshair’s outline. Takes effect when cl_crosshair_outline_enable is 1.